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Advance File Renaming for MacOS.

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The App

High Functionality File and Image Renaming Tool


Renamer++ is an advanced utility for bulk renaming of files on MacOS. It features a range of renaming tools from simple prepend, append and replace, to advanced addition of meta data and location to filenames.


Changes can be previewed and checked for conflicts with existing or adjusted names. Rollback (undo) and logging features are also available.



Simple Changes

Easily add fixed text to the start and end of a filename, or replace specified text within the filename.

Append, prepend or replace text in the filename or add a sequence number.

Strip Characters

Remove the required number of characters from the start or end or of all filenames.

Strip characters from the start or end of the filename.

Access Image Data

Access image metadata to add to the start or end of filenames. Prioritise the order metadata is selected to be used in the filename if multiple metadata tags are found within the file.

Access file metadata to add to the filename

Image Location

Locate the country an image was created in when the file contains GPS metadata. Then add the country to the start or end of filenames to help with organisation.

Image location criteria allows the location to be appended to the filename.

How the App Works

Chose Simple Tool Groups to Access Renaming Functions

Easy to Change and Revert Filenames

Enter the changes you wish to apply to the filenames and select the files to apply them to.


Previewing changes shows the new filenames and alerts to any conflicts that may be created.


Undo changes will revert filenames and a log function allows a report of changed files.

File Remaining Criteria Panel
About Us

Our Story

Get Images and Files Organized With Useful Names

Frustrated with an ever growing collection of photos, getting them organized is an increasing difficult task. With Renamer++ filenames can be set with metadata including created date, country taken, camera and copyright in order to group, sort and organise with more efficiency.

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